With Rev. Michael Toliver and First Baptist South Hill. A Pre-Pastor’s Anniversary Service is on Wednesday, November 11, 2015. Reverend Michael R. Toliver, Pastor of First Baptist Church South Hill, Chesapeake, VA is the guest preacher. Please plan to attend this service
The NGMBC Youth Ministry is Sponsoring a Job Search Workshop on Sunday, November 15, 2015 immediately following the 11am Worship Service. If you have any questions, please contact Sis. Ruby Johnson or Minister George Wilson.
NGMBC will visit New Oak Grove Baptist Church, 3200 Head of River Road, Virginia Beach, Virginia to celebrate their Combined 153rd Church and 13th Joint Ministry Anniversary Service @ 2 pm. Reverend Anderson O. Foreman, Jr., is the guest preacher. Combined ushers and the Inspirational Choir are requested to serve. Please plan to attend this...
There will be a Service of Thanksgiving at 7 pm. New Oak Grove Baptist Church, Virginia Beach, VA and New Galilee Missionary Baptist Church will fellowship together. All Choirs, Mime Ministry, Praise Dancers and the combined ushers are requested to serve. “Let us come together to offer Our God praises and thanksgiving, to hear and receive his holy...
Transportation to New Oak Grove Hall will be provided by NGMBC via the church bus and van on Saturday, December 5, 2015. If you would like to reserve a seat, a signup sheet will be on the Banquet Ticket Table. Directions to the Banquet will also be available.